Tuesday, February 2, 2010


It's amazing what the internet can do. Two people, from completely opposite parts of a country, can actually communicate via little boxes called computers....ah... Anyway, I met Christina Tocki over a year ago on myspace when she added me with her music page. Since then we've been really close friends and so I thought I'd do a post about her music. Her music is appropriately dubbed "ache-oustic", in reference to her brutally honest lyrics about past relationships and friendships, and the fact that it's all acoustic. Guitar work is pretty standard (not that I'm complaining - I love it), but her voice is amazing! Kinda like.....Jeff Mangum if he knew how to sing. Speaking of Jeff, the tracks I'm going to share with you guys include Tocki's cover of April 8th! It's actually more solemn than the original version. Enjoy!

Post Script; she's got huge asian boobies!

April 8th
We've Got Art

Here's her myspace music page

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